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Lernen Sie das Englisch, das Sie benötigen, je nachdem, in welchem Bereich / Fachgebiet Sie arbeiten.Real Business English-Programme bieten Kurse in folgenden Bereichen an:


1. English for Negotiating
2. English for e-mail
3. English for meeting
4. English for Presentations
5. English for Socializing
6. English for Telephoning
7. English for Pharmaceuticals Industry
8. English for Cabin Crew
9. English for the Automobile Industry
10. English for Aviation
11. English for the Energy Industry
12. English for Logistics
13. English for Telecoms and Information Technology
14. English for Accounting
15. English for Customer Care
16. English for Human Resources
17. English for Legal Professionals
18. English for Marketing & Advertising
19. English for Sales and Purchasing
