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e-Real for adults

Learn foreign languages with native speakers
and acquire computer skills with experienced teachers

Real Education Group offers to its students e-Real, a complete online programme for learning foreign languages and acquiring computer skills. All e-Real classes are conducted through MOODLE learning platform with Real Education teachers, which is already used by the leading universities in the world and is available to our students all year round, any time of the day.

Choose below the programme that best suits you and contact us to help you start learning promptly!


English Online

Learn English with Real Group teachers in small groups or one-to-one sessions for all offered languages and all levels (A1 to C2).

All classes are conducted online in the presence of our teachers, through MOODLE platform. Classes are held 2-3 times per week (depending on the student’s level) and last for 2 teaching ours at a time. The programme offers 3 basic options (for individual or group classes), which can be prolonged, according to our students’ needs and preference.

Basic programme

3 months

It includes:
Participation of a teacher
Academic Consultant
Real Social Club
Real Chat Spot
Real Intranet

597 €

Executive programme

6 months

It includes:
Participation of a teacher
Academic Consultant
Real Social Club
Real Chat Spot
Real Intranet

774 € from 1194 €

Gold programme

8 months

It includes:
Participation of a teacher
Academic Consultant
Real Social Club
Real Chat Spot
Real Intranet

872 € from 1791 €

Prices apply for a month-to-month payment plan.

In case you pay the entire amount in cash, you get an additional 20% discount.

Foreign Languages Online

The programme offers classes in German, Spanish, Italian, French and Russian. Classes are conducted with Real Education teachers in small groups or one-to-one sessions for all offered languages and all levels (A1 to C2).

All classes are conducted online in the presence of our teachers, through MOODLE platform. Classes are held 2-3 times per week (depending on the student’s level) and last for 2 teaching ours at a time. The programme offers 3 basic options (for individual or group classes), which can be prolonged, according to our students’ needs and preference.

Basic Programme

1 month

It includes:
Participation of a teacher
Academic Consultant
Real Social Club
Real Chat Spot
Real Intranet

129 €

Executive Programme

4 months

It includes:
Participation of a teacher
Academic Consultant
Real Social Club
Real Chat Spot
Real Intranet

396 € from 516 €

Gold Programme

8 months

It includes:
Participation of a teacher
Academic Consultant
Real Social Club
Real Chat Spot
Real Intranet

632 € from 1032 €

Prices apply for a month-to-month payment plan.

In case you pay the entire amount in cash, you get an additional 20% discount.

ECDL Online

Real Lab group is the largest informatics group in Greece with 20 certified centres around the country and offers certification exams in 3 and 6 ECDL modules.

Now everyone has the the option of distance learning from home or work through ECDL HOME. When classes are completed, you can sit for your exams at any of our 20 certified examination centres.

Basic Programme

3 modules
60 hours*

It includes:
Word Processing
Excel Spreadsheet

334 €

Executive Programme

6 modules
120 hours*

It includes:
Word Processing
Excel Spreadsheet
Power Point

459 €

The above prices include registration fees, classes, exam fees and certification issuing.

Greek for Foreigners Online

Learn Greek remotely, at an advantageous price, through e-Real Programme. Classes are addressed to those who are interested in getting  work permit, Greek citizenship, European passport or entering a Greek University


3 months
4 hours/week*

It includes:
Participation of a teacher
Academic Consultant

299 €

* One teaching hour lasts 50 minutes.

Contact us

Fill in the following form of interest and we will get back as soon as possible.

Alternatively, you can call central management at the following numbers:

  • 210 3242281-6
    (6 lines)

    09:00 - 20:00 Monday - Friday
    09:00 - 14:00 Saturday