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Certificates in Italian language

At Real Edu you can get the following certifications:

CELI 3 Level Β2 8-12 months starting from scratch
CELI 4 Level C1 6-8 months starting from Level B2



Levels of Italian language learning

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages there are 6 levels of language learning (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2):

  • Contatto (Beginner)
  • Sopravvivenza (Elementary)
  • Soglia (Intermediate)
  • Progresso (Lower)
  • Efficacia (Advanced)
  • Padronanza (Proficiency)

The last three levels are internationally renowned. The average time needed to complete each course is 6-8 months. EuropeStreet recommends CELI examinations (Perugia University) for all levels (CELI 3,4,5) or CILS examinations (University of Siena).

The following table shows the relation between each university’s exams according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:
Level University of Perugia for foreigners University of Siena for foreigners | Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Contatto CELI Impatto CILS A1 A1
Sopravvivenza CELI 1 CILS A2 A2
Soglia CELI 2 CILS Uno B1
Progresso CELI 3 CILS Due CILS-EC B2
Efficacia CELI 4 CILS Tre C1
Padronanza CELI 5
CILS Quattro


FAQs for the Certificates in Italian Language

CELI 3 is equivalent to the English Lower (level B2), it is fully recognized in Greece (public and private sector) and abroad. Unlike other certifications, CELI has a lifetime validity and can be used at any time without ever requiring re-examination. It includes written and oral examinations which take place 3 times a year (June, November, March). In case you fail one part of the exams (oral or written) you can secure the exams you succeeded for three consecutive educational periods and be partially re-examined if desired by paying the corresponding examination costs.

CELI 3 is a certification of “good knowledge” of the Italian language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). For more information please contact our educational advisors who will be happy to inform you.

This certification has a 60% base, which is quite low (most English certifications start at 65%). The written examination has four parts which are offset. You can also repeat only one part of the exam (oral or written) if you fail and pay 50% of the examination cost.

CELI 4 is a certification of “good knowledge” of the Italian language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Exams are like CELI 3.

CELI 4 is equivalent to “Advanced” Level of English language, therefore it is necessary for an employee’s CV or a student in Greece and abroad.

It is the most popular certification for finding a job or for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. It is equivalent to level C2 (Proficiency). However, you need half of the preparation time compared to the Proficiency, therefore CELI 5 is easier and with a lower cost.